Eco safe is the manufacturer of safety products that offers the widest range of the world in this field, from storage (with our safety storage cabinets) to manipulation of chemicals (with our ductless fume hoods).

The Eco safe products are conform with the strictest existing norms in our field:

> EN 14470-1 and EN 14470-2 on our safety cabinets for flammables or gas cylinders

> NF X 15-211 - may 2009 for our ductless fume hood,

> EN 15154-1 & EN 15154-2 for our safety showers and eye-washers.

Download Catalogue :

EN 14470-1 & EN 14470-2 Safety cabinets for flammable and explosive products, and gas cylinders

Safety cabinets for flammable and explosive products

Safety cabinets for corrosives

Safety cabinets for toxics and Multirisk safety cabinets

Safety material for storage of pesticides and chemicals

NF X 15-211 Fume hoods Laminar flow clean benches Biological safety cabinets Filtering cabinets and Ventilation

Safety equipements for storage and spill control of chemicals

Fire-protection equipments and Files cabinets

Safety showers Eye-washers and First-aid equipments